Our Mission

Humbly Pray

Welcome to Tamarind House of Prayer, where our mission is to glorify God through unified, continual worship and intercession, seeking to foster an atmosphere of spiritual growth, and community. We bring together believers from various Christian traditions to worship, pray, partake in Communion, and study the Word of God in unity.

We are a Cross-Denominational collaboration of Christians Uniting in Prayer, humbly considering each other above ourselves as we seek God’s Kingdom in West Palm Beach as it is in Heaven.       


  1. Unity in Christ: Despite our denominational differences, we are all ONE in Christ Jesus. We focus on what unites us: our shared faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  (John 17:11, Ps. 133:1, Eph. 2:19, Col. 3:11)

  2. Prayer & Worship: Central to our community is the practice of continual prayer, worship, and Scripture reading. We commit to creating a space where God is exalted and His presence is sought above all.(John 4:23, 1Thess. 5:17)

  3. Scripture: We uphold the Bible as the inspired Word of God and the ultimate authority for our faith and practice. Our activities, including worship, prayer, and Communion, are rooted in Scripture. (2 Tim. 3:16-17, John 15:7-8, 1 John 5:14) 

  4. Love & Respect: We are committed to loving and respecting one another, valuing each person’s unique journey of faith. We encourage a culture of honor and support within our community. (Phil. 2:3, 1 Cor. 8:9, Phil. 2:2) 

  5. Mission & Outreach: We believe in living out the Great Commission by sharing the love of Christ with others, both locally and globally, through prayer, service, and evangelism. (Acts 2:1) 

Scriptural Background: 

  • This is what Heaven Looks like. (Rev. 5:9-10) Heaven is a place of Worship without denominational or ethnic boundaries.    

  • We worship in a Spirit and Truth (John 4:23).   

  • Jesus taught his disciples to pray, (Matt. 6:10) for the Kingdom to come.   

  • Early believers went to a place of prayer (Acts 16:16 ESV). The church should be a place of prayer.   

  • Peter and John attended the “hour of prayer” (Acts 3:1).  

  • God wants his house to be called a “House of Prayer” (Matt. 21:13).   

  • Scripture tells us to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17-18).   

  • We are to pray at all times (Eph. 6:18)  

  • In everything “by prayer” making our request known (Phil. 4:6)  

  • Pray and not give up (Luke 18:1)  

  • Continue steadfastly in prayer... with thanksgiving (Col. 4:2)  

  • One accord...devoting themselves to prayer (Acts 1:14)